Natural supplements to promote digital wellness and blue light health for the modern lifestyle

Backed by clinical ingredient trials

Buy Total Eye Health

89% of customers surveyed felt
a difference in their eye health.

Natural supplements to promote digital wellness and blue light health for the modern lifestyle

Backed by clinical ingredient trials

Buy Total Eye Health

“I believe Lightbody’s Total Eye Health + with Blue + Light Filter is a one-of-a-kind antioxidant supplement that addresses the front, middle, and back of the eye for overall visual health and performance.”

-Dr. Marc Grossman, Holistic Optometrist and Author

Why Our Customers Love Lightbody Total Eye Health +

I noticed improvements within 3 weeks… my vision was noticeably better and not as foggy. My eye strain problems subsided, and I no longer had to use prescription eye drops for dry eyes… continually amazed.

– Tracy P, Webster, NY

My vision was getting so blurry that I had to take breaks from my work to keep from getting migraines. Thankfully, I’m no longer having that problem at all!


– Dr. Basheerah Ahmad, Doctor of Natural Medicine

It has helped ease my eye strain to being almost a non issue… I can see words much better on screens without my readers and without straining my eyes to see.


– Michael F, Jupiter, FL

Learn More About Lightbody Total Eye Health +


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What is a digital wellness supplement?

The Problem

We are surrounded by more toxins than ever before. Scientists and doctors know wireless signals can affect the body, similar to other man-made toxins. On top of this, our food is no longer giving us the correct nutrients we need to be resilient to these toxins.

Our Solution

Lightbody’s female co-founders saw a need to help people’s bodies become more resilient to our modern lifestyle. We partnered with top experts to develop formulations that target cellular resiliency in the eyes, gut, brain, and immune system.

What We Do

Our range of supplements flood specific parts of the body with clinically-proven antioxidants and micronutrients in the most bioavailable, best-in-class formulations designed to optimize our bodies in our modern environment.

Meet our Female Founders

Pioneers in Digital Wellness

A woman-owned business, Lightbody was co-founded by Kylen Ribeiro and Michelle Zofrea in 2021 to help people become more resilient to digital device emissions and other modern environmental toxins.


Their line of targeted and bioavailable highly engineered supplement blends is the first to target digital wellness and our modern lifestyles filled with more toxins than ever before. Kylen and Michelle found the most experienced formulators and health experts to help bring these novel products to the market.


As previous D1 athletes and lifetime promoters of holistic wellness, Kylen and Michelle are both passionate about raising awareness about the niche subject of digital health as our relationship with technology continues to evolve.


Kylen and Michelle hold Board of Director positions at two other world-renowned digital wellness companies, DefenderShield and Ultra Armor.

Hear From Our Chief Formulator

Taking a product and putting it in your body doesn’t necessarily guarantee that it’s going to help.

One of the things that we did at Lightbody when designing the product line is choose and nutrients that are going to be most effective for absorption and utilization by the body.

Cico Rodriguez, Lightbody Chief Formulator


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